Sunday, November 21, 2010


Hey guys. I need some help with my photo illustration. Tell me which one of these you like the most. I think I want to make the photo of me sleeping look more "dreamy" by using some filters in Photoshop, but I don't know which one(s) to use. Suggestions?




Any advice/input you could give me would be awesome!


  1. hey ben, i laughed so much when i first saw this, great concept. try using the blur tool (above dodge and burn) to make it less sharp then you could probably go into filters and make it grainy once you've selected the sleeping area.

  2. Ben, your face expression is so funny, I can feel that you are very sleepy! Sometime I feel sleepy in the class too! I love the first one, and I think adding some fade out effect (dont know if I'm using the correct words) around your 'dream' can make your photo work better!

  3. Hey Ben! Very funny! I like the top image (all color). Great concept. I agree with both Tanya and Tze Lin, some sort of blur around those bubbles would really make the image!

  4. This is something I learned to make a soft filter. First: Duplicate the layer of the image you are going to filter. Second, for the new duplicate layer, go to filter blur gaussian blur start somewhere around 15% then slide it to where you like it. Next, take back the opacity of that layer in the layer pallet. The idea is to keep it subtle. Do this at, at least, 100% zoomed in. Sometimes I do another duplicate layer of the original one and use a surface blur in a similar method. Original layer 100%, first duplicate layer maybe 30%, and duplicate layer on top around 20% . These are ESTIMATES, do what works for your image.

  5. Oh, I like the black and white if you are adding the softening or maybe try a slightly desaturated version.
